SF DocFest 2024: Bay Area Stories 2

Driverless, is a short documentary that takes a critical look at the expansion of robotaxis in San Francisco over this last year, focusing on the concerns of drivers, local officials, and the public. Directed by Danny Roberts, 20 minutes. 

Ambassadors of Hope
Through Harambee Arts, a group of Kenyans holds space for children in Kibera slum to express themselves freely. Among these dedicated mentors is Samson, who grew up in Kibera himself. In a room full of attentive eyes, he speaks quietly but powerfully about the impact that art had on his life. He knows he can help these brave kids escape their day-to-day struggles and connect with others through art. And his friendship resonates with the hearts of these children. With Samson’s mentorship and passion, art is lending a helping hand to those living in this part of Kenya—providing meaning and offering hope. Directed by Cassidy Friedman, Amber Allen-Peirson, 18 minutes. 

Carrying Capacity
The fortuitous meeting of a neurodivergent Silicon Valley computer engineer suffering from panic attacks and a talented young neuroscientist leads to a discovery that deepens our understanding of human expression across the autism spectrum. Directed by Ethan Goldwater, 17 minutes. 

One Fighting Irishman
The story of one man’s legal battle to regain American citizenship for more than 5,000 Americans of Japanese ancestry forced to renounce amidst turmoil and violence at the Tule Lake Segregation Center, considered the worst of America’s ten WWII concentration camps. It took attorney Wayne M. Collins more than 23 years to restore citizenship for nearly all of them. Directed by Sharon Yamato, 30 minutes. 

1h 25m
First Showing
June 2, 2024


Sunday, June 2, 2024 8:00 PM
Location Big Roxie

Note films start right at the listed showtime.
All ticket sales are final.