Unbecoming Attractions: A 35mm Trailer Show
SEE beautiful people! THRILL to outrageous situations! HEAR the little bell signaling the reel change if you listen hard enough!
Have you noticed a lot of movies these days are realllly long? Well, how about instead of one movie over three hours we watch a few dozen movies over the course of about 70 minutes? Dazzling colors (or sometimes just various shades of red)! Ominous voice overs! And NO cosmetic dentistry! This eclectic hoot of a trailer show – all in 35mm! – has something for everyone. (Except children. Kids, stay home.) Whether you love only artistic masterpieces or prefer things to be more like garbage, we’ve got you covered. Selected by your stalwart kino-cratediggers Kelly and Carl from the archive of the Film on Film Foundation.