Presented by OUTlook and Frameline
‘Tis the season for sapphic cinema, longing gazes, and lost gloves!! Join us for the second annual Carol Day extravaganza at the Roxie — now a queer holiday tradition in San Francisco — presented by Frameline! Expect some dazzling holi-gay performances, a costume contest, and fabulous prizes. Stop by Community Thrift Store, where Frameline is now a charity partner, to put together your Carol (or Cate Blanchett) look, and come shuffle on down to Mother on 16th St for some post-film dry martinis with an olive (hold the cream spinach over poached eggs, please).
“The cigarette that bears a lipstick’s traces … the tinkling piano in the next apartment. Todd Haynes’s narcotic and delicious film CAROL is in love with this kind of detail: the story of a forbidden love affair that makes no apology for always offering up exquisitely observed minutiae from the early 1950s. It is almost as if the transgression, secrecy and wrongness must paradoxically emerge in the well judged rightness and just-so-ness of all its period touches. The movie finds something erotic everywhere – in the surfaces, the tailoring, the furnishing and of course the cigarettes. It revives the lost art of smoking at lunch, smoking with gloves, and the exotic moue of exhaling smoke sideways, out of consideration for the person in front of you.” — Peter Bradshaw, The Guardian