Fresh Kill
ENCORE DCP SCREENING, Oct 23 @ 6:30pm!
“One of the 100 greatest artworks ever made about NYC!” – ARTnews
FRESH KILL, coined as an eco cybernoia film, an avant-anarcho ecosatire, envisions a post-apocalyptic landscape strewn with electronic detritus and suffering the toxic repercussions of mass marketing in a high-tech commodity culture.
FRESH KILL tells the story of two young lesbian parents caught up in a global exchange of industrial waste via contaminated sushi. The place is New York and the time is now. Raw fish lips are the rage on trendy menus across Manhattan. A ghost barge, bearing nuclear refuse, circles the planet in search of a willing port. Household pets start to glow ominously and then disappear altogether. The sky opens up and snows soap flakes. People start speaking in dangerous tongues. A riveting and densely packed film, Fresh Kill evokes the furious rhythms of channel surfing with its rapid-fire editing style.
Presented by OUTlook!
Past Event (10/12/24)
The internationally acclaimed artist/filmmaker Shu Lea Cheang appears IN PERSON as part of a 21- city tour, hand-delivering the gloriously restored 35mm print of her cyber-dystopian classic – to celebrate the 30th anniversary of its original release.
Shu Lea Cheang in conversation with Annie Sprinkle & Beth Stephens after the film!
When the FRESH KILL road tour finally terminates at UC Santa Barbara on 10/15, Shu Lea will race back up to Berkeley for a presentation of her 2023 feature UKI at BAMPFA, on Oct 16!