Dealing With Dad

  • Dealing with Dad: The family of award-winning feature film dramedy.
  • Dealing with Dad: Roy (Peter S Kim), Margaret (Ally Maki) and Larry (Hayden Szeto)
  • Dealing with Dad: Larry (Hayden Szeto) and Margaret (Ally Maki)
  • Dealing with Dad: Margaret (Ally Maki) and Larry (Hayden Szeto)
  • Dealing with Dad: Margaret (Ally Maki) and Roy (Peter S Kim)
  • Dealing with Dad: Larry (Hayden Szeto) and Margaret (Ally Maki)
  • Dealing with Dad: Margaret (Ally Maki) and Roy (Peter S Kim) try to convince Larry (Hayden Szeto)

Filmmaker Tom Huang In Person!

Margaret Chang reluctantly returns to her hometown along with her hapless brothers to deal with the sudden depression of their complete-jerk father, whom everyone happens to hate. In fact, he’s actually more pleasant being depressed, so the siblings wonder if it’s worth struggling to get him better. In the meantime, their forced time together allows them to reconnect as a family, reminisce about the bad times with Dad and maybe even help each other out in the process in this multi-award-winning comedic drama feature film.

1h 46m
Tom Huang
First Showing
June 25, 2023
  • Assisted Listening